The Power of Sharing

4 min readApr 3, 2021

It is said that open your heart and share your stories is the best way to help you stay better and happier every day. Sharing is not only to help you get out of stress or pressure, or even to face with the difficult truth behind, but it might also be helpful to others. It seems like a life philosophy that everyone could have heard at least once in a while, however, the fact is it isn’t that easy to apply it in real life.

It’s always easier to talk but to do. I know many people that are having problem dealing with sharing with others. They would keep the difficulties or hurt feelings inside and try to deal all themselves, rather than find someone to talk to. This is because of shyness and the thinking of bothering others by their personal issues. I also have that problem myself, but since I acknowledged the importance of staying open with others, I’m trying every day to practise that to be better. And I promise, it works, at least for me.

The power of sharing, connect with others, exchange ideas

So, why is it so important to share?

The moment you are open to share your thoughts, your stories, you are healing yourself from being repressed of accumulated hurts, and also releasing yourself from pressures of keeping heavy thoughts inside. Your stories can give someone hopes, inspiration, advices or lessons too. Keeping so many thoughts, hurt feelings or passive things inside or simply holding you back from talking to others can cause severe impacts on mental and physical Health. We can easily link this idea to the popularity of consulting services or psychotherapy nowadays.

“Sharing our truths can provide the opportunity for great healing.” — Kristen Noel

Besides sharing own stories, we can also make conversations with others to talk about life, experience and knowledge or some interesting things around. This is so important to connect with others, narrow down the network barriers and also generate chances for new knowledge being exchanged and absorbed.

The power behind sharing that you may not know

Share what you know

The reality is that knowledge is boundless. While there are certain limits on what you may know, others possibly have something that cover your gaps and vice versa. What if every person keeps everything for his/ her own? The outcome would turn out sadly. But if an individual is open to share with someone else, and in return, that person also shares his/ her experience or understanding, the knowledge of these two is going to be widened obviously. Taking myself as an example, I haven’t studied any baking classes my whole life, however, I can still bake well, to be honest. How can I do that? Simple, I open myself to learn from others’ expertise and experience, others also open to share their knowledge and tips to me and vice versa. It turns out greatly that we’re all getting improved.

Share your stories

Different from sharing what you know, share your stories is way more difficult, especially for those who are always shy and not usually open to talk about themselves. Even in the situation that we have troubles or difficulties, it’s also a hard thing to share our story and ask for advice or help. However, no one can listen and give us their hands unless they know.

Recently, I heard two stories from two different young international students having serious chronic disease — kidney failure, also known as a deathly health condition if there isn’t any medical involvement. It’s really tough for students in terms of medical expense and insurance to bear the cost for treatment and surgery. After all their efforts to deal with it themselves, they decided to publish their stories and asked for help. It turned out unexpectedly great that these two students could have enough fund for their treatment. It’s such a great thing that we can help others, but it also gives us a chance

Useful tips to get yourself more open to talk and share

As you can somehow understand the importance of sharing, here are some useful tips that can help you practise and be more open:

  • Think about positive things, even you have a hard time dealing with problems, try to think about positive factors from that, taking more lessons for example
  • Connect with others, even just a smile and some greetings together, it can raise your energy up
  • Try to have a plan for what you want to do, try to focus and stick with the plan. When you focus on doing something, you won’t be able to think about others that bother and reduce your energy
  • Remember that you always have your family and friends to talk to
  • Learn something new and connect with that community, you can widen the network pretty well.

So much more that you can think about to stay open and talk about your stories. It takes time, but let’s set a goal from now and believe in yourself, we all can do that.

